E-PICOS is here for your#SystematicReview and#MetaAnalysis studies !
More Info & Registration: https://bit.ly/3M8hd5Y
For your#SystematicReviewer and#MetaAnalysis studies... E-PICOS is here!
More Info & Registration: https://bit.ly/3M8hd5Y
This tool is available for the reviewers and editors of medical journals and helps to review if minor, major revisions are necessary for manuscripts and why, or why the reviewers accept or reject that manuscript.
More Info & Registration: https://bit.ly/3M8hd5Y
#MedicReS#EPICOS#EPicosReview#ArtificialIntelligence #Medicalsoftware#SystematicReview#MetaAnalysis
Does my study need ethics committee approval? If necessary, which ethics committee should I apply to?
More Info & Registration: https://bit.ly/3M8hd5Y
#MedicReS#EPICOS#ArtificialIntelligence#EPicosEthics#Goodmedical#Biotechnology #Medicalsoftware#SystematicReview#MetaAnalysis#Ethics
This tool is available for the reviewers and editors of medical journals and helps to review if minor, major revisions are necessary for manuscripts and why, or why the reviewers accept or reject that manuscript.
More Info & Registration: https://bit.ly/3M8hd5Y
E-PICOS Reviewer gives a detailed report about manuscripts' publication status.
More Info & Registration: https://bit.ly/3M8hd5Y
#MedicReS#EPICOS#ArtificialIntelligence#Goodmedical#Biotechnology #Medicalsoftware#SystematicReview#MetaAnalysis
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31 Mart 2022 tarihinde MedicReS Club üyelerimize özel ücretsiz webinarımıza sizleri davet etmekten mutluluk duyarız.
MedicReS Social Media Team
MedicReS Systematic Review & Meta Analysis Kurs Programı
28-29-30-31 Mart - 1 Nisan 2022
Detaylı Bilgi & Kayıt : https://bit.ly/3tNcUFA