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27 Nisan 2023 tarihinde İstanbul'da yüz yüze gerçekleşecek olan İyi Editörlük ve Hakemlik Uygulamaları eğitimimiz yaklaşıyor...

Kayıt & Detaylı Bilgi:

Bu kursun amacı;#Tıbbi dergilerde makalelerin yayına kabul edilmesi sürecinde, hakemlerin farklı görüşleri nedeniyle bazen belirsizlikler yaşanabilir. Bu durum, araştırmacıların çalışmalarının zamanında yayınlanmasını engelleyerek#Bilimsel ilerlemeyi yavaşlatabilir veya gereksiz ve geçersiz yayınlarda literatürün çöpe dönmesine sebep olabilir...

This tool is available for the reviewers and editors of#medicaljournals and helps to review if minor, major revisions are necessary for manuscripts and why, or why the reviewers accept or reject that manuscript.#EPicosReviewer gives a detailed report abaout manuscripts’ publication status.

More Info & Registration:

#MedicReS#EPICOS#ArtificialIntelligence #Medicalsoftware #Biotechnology#MedicalResearch#ClinicalResearch#healthtechnologies#BiostatisticsSoftware#ClinicalSignificance#dataanalytics

This tool is available for the reviewers and editors of medical journals and helps to review if minor, major revisions are necessary for manuscripts and why, or why the reviewers accept or reject that manuscript.#EPicosReviewer gives a detailed report abaout manuscripts’ publication status.

More Info & Registration:

#MedicReS#EPICOS#ArtificialIntelligence#ClinicalSignificance#Medicalsoftware #Scientificresearcher#Innovatormedicine#healthtechnologies

Events like the MedicReS World Congress should help to emancipate researchers, refocusing them on the steps to ensure that their research is as rigourous as possible.

The Lancet, Editorial

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This tool is available for the reviewers and editors of medical journals and helps to review if minor, major revisions are necessary for manuscripts and why, or why the reviewers accept or reject that manuscript.

More Info & Registration:

#MedicReS#EPICOS#EPicosReview#ArtificialIntelligence #Medicalsoftware#SystematicReview#MetaAnalysis

This tool is available for the reviewers and editors of medical journals and helps to review if minor, major revisions are necessary for manuscripts and why, or why the reviewers accept or reject that manuscript.

More Info & Registration:


Events like the#MedicReS#worldcongress should help to emancipate researchers, refocusing them on the steps to ensure that their#Research is as rigourous as possible.

The Lancet, Editorial
Vol. 379, Issue 9832, Page 2118, 9 June 2012.

#BeGMR#EPICOS#Conorap #Biostatistics#onlinelearning#goodclinicalpractice#ArtificialIntelligence#GCPA#ClinicalSignificance#innovation#phd

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This tool is available for the reviewers and editors of#Medical journals and helps to review if minor, major revisions are necessary for manuscripts and why, or why the reviewers accept or reject that manuscript.

More Info & Registration:

#MedicReS#EPICOS#ArtificialIntelligence#EPicosReviewer#Goodmedical#Biotechnology #BiostatisticsSoftware#developerlife#researching#innovation

MedicReS aims to educate#researchers and provoke discussion about#goodscientificmethod, statistics, ethics, publication, and education. Faced with stifling bureaucracy, competition for funds, and employer pressure to deliver results, finding the time and space to produce the best research can seem an arduous process. Events like the#MedicReS World Congress should help to emancipate researchers, refocusing them on the steps to ensure that their research is as rigourous as possible.

The lancet, Editorial
Vol. 379, Issue 9832, Page 2118, 9 June 2012.


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