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10-12-14 Ekim tarihlerinde gerçekleşecek olan İyi Biyoistatistik Uygulamaları Kursumuz yaklaşıyor...
Detaylı Bilgi & Kayıt için:
This tool is available for the reviewers and editors of#medicaljournals and helps to review if minor, major revisions are necessary for manuscripts and why, or why the reviewers accept or reject that manuscript.#EPicosReviewer gives a detailed report abaout manuscripts’ publication status.
More Info & Registration:
#MedicReS#EPICOS#ArtificialIntelligence #Medicalsoftware #Biotechnology#MedicalResearch#ClinicalResearch#healthtechnologies#BiostatisticsSoftware#ClinicalSignificance#dataanalytics
This tool is available for the reviewers and editors of medical journals and helps to review if minor, major revisions are necessary for manuscripts and why, or why the reviewers accept or reject that manuscript.#EPicosReviewer gives a detailed report abaout manuscripts’ publication status.
More Info & Registration:
#MedicReS#EPICOS#ArtificialIntelligence#ClinicalSignificance#Medicalsoftware #Scientificresearcher#Innovatormedicine#healthtechnologies
E-PICOS Reviewer gives a detailed report about manuscripts' publication status.
More Info & Registration:
#MedicReS#EPICOS#ArtificialIntelligence#Goodmedical#Biotechnology #Medicalsoftware#SystematicReview#MetaAnalysis