According to the decision of the#MedicReS International Scientific Advisory Board, the International MedicReS#GMR#worldcongress, where you can get points with international oral presentation and abstract printing, will be open throughout the year as of January 1, 2022, and accept papers continuously.
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#Conorap#EPICOS#Biostatistics#Internationalmedicine#uk#usa#england#america#englishresearcher #Scientificresearcher#ArtificialIntelligence#MedicReSWorldCongress
American hospitals buckle under Delta, with ICUs filling Up ...
After months of improvement from the winter wave of hospitalizations, a new wave of cases has worsened the situation once again.
American Hospitals Buckle Under Delta, With I.C.U.s Filling Up - The New York Times
The coronavirus is putting a strain on hospitals again.