Dear Researchers,
Papers coming to our congress pass through the referee system in MedicReS advisory boards, and oral abstracts are published in English in MedicReS#GMR#worldcongress Abstracts and Congress Proceedings Book.
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Dear researcher,
In parallel with all the developments in technology, we delivered MedicReS 2022 Congress to all our members via MedicReS TV on our member page, which they can easily watch on their mobile phones.
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#MedicReS#Biostatistics#Conorap#EPICOS#Scientificresearcher#spain#spanish #spanishresearcher#ClinicalResearch#ArtificialIntelligence#MedicineCongress
Dear Researchers,
Papers coming to our congress pass through the referee system in MedicReS advisory boards, and oral abstracts are published in English in MedicReS#GMR#worldcongress Abstracts and#Congress Proceedings Book. Your#oralpresentations are also given to you as MP4.
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